Sunday, March 15, 2009

food for thought

i was catching up on old daily shows and colbert reports and thought this mark bittman interview was worth sharing:

sorry, the clip was taken off their site.

also, while i'm talking about colbert, if you're interested in helping name a space station module after him, click here. it takes about 30 seconds.


  1. LOVE Mark Bittman. I've been wanting to read *Food Matters* since skimming through it at Costco, and his cookbook *How to Cook Everything Vegetarian* is one of my most used. (which I believe you saw at my house and asked if it indicated how to cook steak vegetarian, Captain Literal.)

  2. who me? ok, yeah, that sounds about right.

  3. update: "colbert" won the vote for the space module name, but nasa is non-committal about actually using it. they may just name the toilet after him.
